The Homeschooling Network LLC TERMS AND CONDITIONS

These terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) govern the use of (the “Site”). This Site is owned and operated by The Homeschooling Network LLC. This Site is an ecommerce website.

By using this Site, you indicate that you have read and understand these Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them at all times. Failure by you to do so constitutes a material breach of the Terms and Conditions 

Definition of Terms:

  • Instructor: A person, individual, entity, company, or organization who designs, develops, and delivers online educational content, courses or resources, or a person, individual, entity, company, or organization who has an Instructor user account.
  • Student: An individual who has enrolled in and is currently taking a Course on the Site, or an individual who has a Student user account. 
  • Parent: An individual who has a Parent user account, or a biological, adoptive, or legal guardian who has custody or responsibility for a child or minor.
  • User: An individual who accesses, uses, or interacts with the website, its content, or its services. This includes individuals who register for an account, create an account, or simply browse the website without creating an account.
  • Content: The written, visual, and interactive materials that are presented on the Site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio files, software, and other digital assets. This can include but not limited to courses, resources, digital downloads, documents, articles, blog posts, product descriptions, customer reviews, FAQs, and other forms of written content, as well as multimedia elements like graphics, animations, and interactive features.
  • Courses: An educational program or training offered through our website or other digital platforms, which includes video lessons, interactive exercises, quizzes, assignments, and other multimedia content.
  • Resources: Any and all content, materials, information, data, tools, software, services, and/or functionality provided by the Site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio files, graphics, and other digital content made available to Users through the Site’s platform, website, or mobile application.
  • Digital Download: Electronic files that are made available to customers immediately upon purchase, and cannot be returned or exchanged once they have been downloaded. This includes, but is not limited to, PDFs, ZIP files, e-books, software, audio files, and video files.

Intellectual Property

All content published and made available on our Site is the sole and exclusive  property of The Homeschooling Network and the Sites creators, except for as defined under the section titles (delete titles) “The Homeschooling Network’s Rights to Content Posted”. This includes, but is not limited to images, text, logos, documents, downloadable files and anything that contributes to the composition of our Site.

As a User of this Site, you represent, affirm and warrant that you are the sole and exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights in the material you post, share, or otherwise make available on this Site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, audio recordings and other digital assets. You further represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights and authority to grant a non-exclusive license to us for the use of such material, and that you will not post any material that infringes on the intellectual property rights of any third party. You agree to forever indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims or damages arising from your failure to comply with these terms.

The Homeschooling Network’s Rights to Content Posted

You retain ownership of Content and Courses you post to our platform, including your courses. You provide to us an unrestricted license and we are allowed to share your Content to anyone through any media, including promoting it via advertising on other websites.

The Content you post as a student or instructor (including courses) remains yours. By posting courses and other Content, you allow The Homeschooling Network to reuse and share it but you do not lose any ownership rights you may have over your Content, including your intellectual property rights. If you are an instructor, be sure to understand the content licensing terms that are detailed in the Instructor Terms.

When you post Content, comments, questions, reviews, and when you submit to us ideas and suggestions for new features or improvements, you authorize The Homeschooling Network to use and share this content with anyone, distribute it and promote it on any platform and in any media, and to make modifications or edits to it as we see fit, except as detailed in the Instructor Terms.

By submitting or posting content and courses on or through the Site, while you retain ownership and intellectual property rights to your content and courses you grant The Homeschooling Network a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display, and distribute your content (including your name and image) in any and all media or distribution methods (existing now or later developed), except as detailed in the Instructor Terms.. This includes making your content available to other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with The Homeschooling Network for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication of content on other media, as well as using your content for marketing purposes. You also waive any rights of privacy, publicity, or other rights of a similar nature applicable to all these uses, to the extent permissible under applicable law. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power, and authority necessary to authorize us to use any content that you submit. The limit of any compensation to you is that as outlined and agreed to in the Instructor payment terms stated herein. 

Instructor Terms:

The specifics of the terms of you as an Instructor are defined as noted below and are incorporated by reference to the Terms and Conditions. 

  1. By creating and posting a course on our platform, you (“Instructor”) agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. You grant us a non-exclusive license to display and distribute your course content, and to use it for marketing and promotional purposes.
  3. You represent that you have the right to share your course content, and that it does not infringe on any third-party intellectual property rights.
  4. You agree to keep your course content up-to-date and accurate, and to notify us of any changes or updates.
  5. We reserve the right to review and approve your course content before it is made available to students.
  6. You agree to respond promptly to student inquiries and support requests.
  7. You agree to comply with our community guidelines and Terms and Conditions.
  8. We may remove or edit your course content at any time if it violates our Terms and Conditions or community guidelines.
  9. We will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in your course content, or for any damage or loss arising from the use of your course content.
  10. You agree to release us from any liability for any claims, damages, or expenses arising from your course content.
  11. These terms will remain in effect for as long as your course is on the Site.
  12. You agree to permit The Homeschooling Network LLC to deduct any refund amount owed to the Instructor for returned courses or resources from the Instructor’s current or future commission payments. This includes refunds offered under the Return Policy as well as chargebacks, a reversal of a transaction by the cardholder’s bank, which debits the merchant’s account and credits the cardholder’s account for the amount of the original transaction. The Instructor acknowledges that The Homeschooling Network will not pay out any refunds separately, and that any refund amount will be deducted from the Instructor’s commission payments in accordance with The Homeschooling Network LLC’s standard commission payment schedule. If the Instructor’s commission is insufficient to cover the full amount of the refund, the Instructor agrees to pay the remaining balance to The Homeschooling Network LLC within 30 days. Should the payment from the Instructor remain outstanding for a period of thirty (30) days or more, The Homeschooling Network LLC shall have the right to initiate legal proceedings against the Instructor to recover the outstanding balance, and the Instructor shall be responsible for all costs and attorney fees associated with such proceedings. By agreeing to these terms, the Instructor agrees to be bound by them and understands that this is a condition of their continued use of this Site.
  13. You agree to timely and completed correctly as required and requested by The Homeschooling Network LLC to provide any and all forms, documents, material and filings necessary for any purposes, including any and all forms for Federal, State or Municipal taxing authorities within 30 days of the requested form, documents, material or filings

Acceptable Use

As a user of our Site, you agree to use our Site legally, not to use our Site for illegal purposes, and not to:

– Harass or mistreat other users of our Site;

– Violate the rights of other users of our Site;

– Violate the intellectual property rights of the Site owners or any third party to the Site;

– Hack into the account of another user of the Site;

– Act in any way that could be considered fraudulent;

– Post any material that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive; or

– Post or distribute any material that includes sexual or explicit content

– Sexual abuse, harass, or exploit any other users of our Site.

– Engage in any behavior that may be perceived as intimidating, threatening, or harassing.

If we believe you are using our Site illegally or in a manner that violates these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to our Site. We also reserve the right to take any legal steps necessary to prevent you from accessing our Site.

User Contributions

Users may post the following information on our Site:

– Items for sale;

– Photos;

– Text;

– Videos;

– Digital Downloads;

– Course Materials;

– Public comments; and

– Documents

By posting publicly on our Site, you agree not to act illegally or violate these Terms and Conditions.


When you create an account on our Site, you agree to the following:

  1. You are solely responsible for your account and the security and privacy of your account, including passwords or sensitive information attached to that account; and that
  2. All personal information you provide to us through your account is up to date, accurate, and truthful and that you will update your personal information if it changes.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account if you are using our Site illegally or if you violate these Terms and Conditions.

Sale of Goods

These Terms and Conditions govern the sale of goods available on our Site.

The following goods are available on our Site:

– Educational Materials

– Books

– Lessons

– Courses; and

– Educational Resources.

These Terms and Conditions apply to all the goods that are displayed on our Site at the time you access

  1. This includes all products listed as being out of stock. All information, descriptions, or images that we provide about our goods are as accurate as possible. However, we are not legally bound by such information, descriptions, or images as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all goods we provide. You agree to purchase goods from our Site at your own risk.

We reserve the right to modify, reject or cancel your order whenever it becomes necessary. If we cancel your order and have already processed your payment, we will give you a refund equal to the amount you paid. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor your payment instrument to verify receipt of any refund.

Third Party Goods and Services

Our Site may offer goods and services from third parties. We cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of goods and services made available by third parties on our Site.

User Goods and Services

Our Site allows users to sell goods and services. We do not assume any responsibility for the goods and services users sell on our Site. We cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of any goods and services sold by users on our Site. However, if we are made aware that a user is violating these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to suspend or prohibit the user from selling goods and services on our Site.


We accept the following payment methods on our Site:

– PayPal; and

– Credit and Debit Cards

– Venmo

When you provide us with your payment information, you authorize our use of and access to the payment instrument you have chosen to use. By providing us with your payment information, you authorize us to charge the amount due to this payment instrument.

If we believe your payment has violated any law or these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to cancel or reverse your transaction.


Refunds for Goods

We will only offer refunds for returned physical products and Courses. This excludes refunds for Digital Downloads, which are defined as electronic files that are made available to customers immediately upon purchase, and cannot be returned or exchanged once they have been downloaded. This includes, but is not limited to, pdfs, e-books, software, audio files, and video files. By purchasing a digital download course or resource, you acknowledge that you understand that it is non-refundable and cannot be returned.

Refund requests must be made within 7 days after receipt of your Goods. For Courses, refunds must be requested within 7 days or 25% completion of the course, the earliest of which shall occur.

We accept refund requests for Goods sold on our Site for any of the following reasons:

– Good does not match description; or

– Good does not meet the purchaser’s expectations.

You agree to pay the fees for content that you purchase, and you authorize us to charge your debit or credit card or process other means of payment for those fees. The Homeschooling Network LLC works with payment service providers to offer you the most convenient payment methods and to keep your payment information secure. We may update your payment methods using information provided by our payment service providers. See our Privacy Policy for more details.

If the content you purchased is not what you were expecting, you can request, within 7 days of your purchase of the content, that The Homeschooling Network LLC apply a refund to you which in turn is deducted from the applicable Instructor account. We reserve the right to apply your refund as a refund credit or a refund to your original payment method, at our discretion, depending on capabilities of our payment service providers, the platform from which you purchased your content (website or mobile), and other factors. No refund is due to you if you request it after the 7-day guarantee time limit has passed.

As detailed in the Instructor Terms, instructors agree that students have the right to receive these refunds.

If we decide to issue refund credits to your account, they will be automatically applied towards your next content purchase on the Site. Refund credits may expire if not used within the specified period and have no cash value, in each case unless otherwise required by applicable law.

At our discretion, if we believe you are abusing our refund policy, such as if you’ve consumed a significant portion of the content that you want to refund or if you’ve previously refunded the content, we reserve the right to deny your refund, restrict you from other future refunds, ban your account, and/or restrict all future use of services.

Consumer Protection Law

Where any consumer protection legislation in your jurisdiction applies and cannot be excluded, these Terms and Conditions will not limit your legal rights and remedies under that legislation. These Terms and Conditions will be read subject to the mandatory provisions of that legislation. If there is a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and that legislation, the mandatory provisions of the legislation will apply.

Tax and Legal Forms

You agree to timely and completed correctly as required and requested by The Homeschooling Network LLC to provide any and all forms, documents, material and filings necessary for any purposes, including any and all forms for Federal, State or Municipal taxing authorities within 30 days of the requested form, documents, material or filings

Links to Other Websites

Our Site contains links to third party websites or Services that we do not own or control. We are not responsible for the content, policies, or practices of any third party website or service linked to on our Site. It is your responsibility to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of these third party websites before using these sites.


You agree that you will not post any negative or disparaging reviews or comments on any social media or internet platform. If you fail to adhere to this section then you authorize HSN to directly intervene on any such platform for the immediate cease and desist and deletion of any such negative or disparaging review or comments.

Binding Agreement

You agree that by registering, accessing, or using our Services, you are agreeing to enter into a legally binding contract with HSN. If you do not agree to these Terms and all of your policies and material, then do not use our services. 

If you are accepting these Terms and using our Services on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so.

These Terms (including any agreements and policies linked from these Terms) constitute the entire agreement between you and us and constitute the entire and complete agreement between us.

If any part of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by applicable law, then that provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of these Terms will continue in effect. Any part of these Terms that is found to be invalid is understood does not invalidate the Agreement between us, on that part.

Any failure or delay or both in exercising our rights on any particular section or term of the Agreement does not constitute a waiver of our rights under these Terms, and we are not restricted or limited to enforce them in the future. If we decide to waive any of our rights in a particular instance, it doesn’t mean we waive our rights generally or in the future.

The following sections shall survive the expiration or termination of these Terms: (Miscellaneous Legal Terms), and (Dispute Resolution).

Miscellaneous Legal Terms


You agreed and except that the Services and the content herein of the Services are
“as is” and “as available” basis and any technical or content issue that occurs is without recourse from you to us. You accept that you will not have any recourse against us in any of these types of cases where things don’t work out right. In legal, more complete language, the Services and their content are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We (and our affiliates, suppliers, partners, instructors and agents) make no representations or warranties about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, security, lack of errors, or accuracy of the Services or their content, and expressly disclaim any warranties or conditions (express or implied), including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement. We (and our affiliates, suppliers, partners,instructors  and agents) make no warranty that you will obtain specific results from use of the Services. Your use of the Services (including any content) is entirely at your own risk. Some jurisdictions don’t allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you.

In our sole discretion there may be changes or modifications to certain features of the Services at any time and for any reason. Under no circumstances will HSN or its affiliates, suppliers, partners or agents be held liable for any damages due to such interruptions or lack of availability of such features.

We are not responsible for delay or failure of our performance of any of the Services caused by events beyond our reasonable control, like an act of war, hostility, or sabotage; natural disaster; electrical, internet, or telecommunication outage; or government restrictions.

Limitation of Liability

There are risks inherent to using our Services. You fully accept these risks and you agree that you will have no recourse to seek damages against even if you suffer loss or damage from using our platform and Services. In legal, more complete language, to the extent permitted by law, we (and our group companies, suppliers, partners, and agents) will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages (including loss of data, revenue, profits, or business opportunities, or personal injury or death), whether arising in contract, warranty, tort, product liability, or otherwise, and even if we’ve been advised of the possibility of damages in advance. Our liability (and the liability of each of our group companies, suppliers, partners, and agents) to you or any third parties under any circumstance is limited to the greater of $100 USD or the amount you have paid us in the 12 months before the event giving rise to your claims. Some jurisdictions don’t allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so some of the above may not apply to you.


You agree to indemnify, defend (if we so request), and hold harmless HSN, our group companies, and their officers, directors, suppliers, partners, and agents from an against any third-party claims, demands, losses, damages, or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from: (a) the content you post or submit; (b) your use of the Services; (c) your violation of these Terms; or (d) your violation of any rights of a third party. Your indemnification obligation will survive the termination of these Terms and your use of the Services.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

When these Terms mention “HSN,” they’re referring to The Homeschooling Network LLC that you’re contracting with.  These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Florida, USA without reference to its choice or conflicts of law principles. In cases where the “Dispute Resolution” section below doesn’t apply to you, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of federal and state courts in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Legal Actions and Notices

No action, regardless of form, arising out of or relating to this Agreement may be brought by either party more than one year after the cause of action has accrued, except where this limitation cannot be imposed by law.

Any notice or other communication to be given hereunder will be in writing and given by registered or certified mail return receipt requested, or email (by us to the email associated with your account or by you to

Relationship Between Us

You and we agree that you as an Instructor are an independent contractor subject to the definition under the IRS for the issuance of a 1099 and that we further agree that you and we are not a joint venture, partnership, employment, contractor, or agency relationship. exists between us.

No Assignment

You may not assign or transfer these Terms (or the rights and licenses granted under them). For example, if you registered an account as an employee of a company, your account cannot be transferred to another employee. We may assign these Terms (or the rights and licenses granted under them) to another company or person without restriction. Nothing in these Terms confers any right, benefit, or remedy on any third-party person or entity. You agree that your account is non-transferable and that all rights to your account and other rights under these Terms terminate upon your death.

Sanctions and Export Laws

You warrant that you (as an individual or as a representative of any entity on whose behalf you use the Services) aren’t located in, or a resident of, any country that is subject to applicable U.S. trade sanctions or embargoes (such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, or the Crimea, Donetsk, or Luhansk regions). You also warrant that you aren’t a person or entity who is named on any U.S. government specially designated national or denied-party list.

If you become subject to such a restriction during the term of any agreement with HSN, you will notify us within 24 hours, and we will have the right to terminate any further obligations to you, effective immediately and with no further liability to you (but without prejudice to your outstanding obligations to HSN).

You may not access, use, export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose any portion of the Services or any related technical information or materials, directly or indirectly, in violation of any United States and other applicable country export control and trade sanctions laws, rules and regulations. You agree not to upload any content or technology (including information on encryption) whose export is specifically controlled under such laws.

Dispute Resolution

If there’s a dispute, our team is happy to help resolve the issue. If that doesn’t work and you live in the United States or Canada, your options are to go to small claims court or bring a claim in binding individual arbitration; you may not bring that claim in another court or participate in a non-individual class action claim against us.

This Dispute Resolution section (“Dispute Resolution Agreement”) applies only if you live in the United States or Canada. Most disputes can be resolved, so before bringing a formal legal case, please first try contacting us at

Dispute Resolution Overview

HSN is committed to using its best efforts to resolve disputes with its users, without the need for a formal legal claim to be filed. If an issue arises between us, you and HSN agree to first work diligently and in good faith to reach a resolution that’s fair and equitable to both sides using the mandatory informal dispute resolution process described below. On occasion, a third party may be necessary to help resolve our dispute. This Dispute Resolution Agreement limits how these disputes can be resolved.



You and HSN agree that this Dispute Resolution Agreement applies to each of us as well as all of our respective agents, attorneys, contractors, subcontractors, service providers, employees, and all others acting for, or on behalf of, you and HSN. This Dispute Resolution Agreement is binding on your and HSN’s respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.

Mandatory Informal Dispute Resolution Process

Before filing a claim against each other, you and HSN must first participate in the informal dispute resolution process described in this section.

  • The claiming party shall send to the other a short, written statement (“Claim Statement”) with their full name, mailing address, and email address explaining: (a) the nature and details of the Dispute; and (b) a proposal for resolving it (including any money being claimed and how that amount was calculated).
  • When either of us receives a Claim Statement, the parties will attempt in good faith to resolve it informally. If we’re unable to resolve it within 60 days from receipt, then we each have the right to initiate a formal claim against the other in small claims court or individual arbitration, subject to the terms of this Dispute Resolution Agreement.

Failure to complete this process is a material breach of the Terms, and no court or arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to hear or resolve any Disputes between you and HSN.

Small Claims

Disputes raised but not resolved through the mandatory informal dispute resolution process can be brought in small claims court in: (a) Jacksonville, Florida; (b) the county where you live; or (c) another place we both agree on. We each waive the right to bring any Disputes between us, in courts other than small claims court, including courts of general or special jurisdiction.


As the sole alternative to small claims court, you and HSN have the right to resolve Disputes through individual arbitration. While there’s no judge or jury in an arbitration, the arbitrator has the power to award the same individual relief and must follow our agreement in the same way as a court. If one of us brings a Dispute to a court other than a small claims court, the other party can ask a court to require us both to go to arbitration. Either of us can also ask a court to halt a court proceeding while an arbitration proceeding is ongoing. To the extent that any cause of action or claim for relief can’t be addressed in arbitration, you and HSN agree that all court proceedings shall be paused pending the resolution in arbitration of all arbitrable causes of action and claims for relief. Nothing in this Dispute Resolution Agreement is intended to limit the individual relief available to either of us in arbitration or small claims court.

If you and HSN disagree on whether a Dispute must be arbitrated, the scope of the arbitrator’s powers, or the enforceability of any aspect of this Dispute Resolution Agreement, the arbitrator alone shall have, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the sole authority to address all such disagreements, including but not limited to those concerning or related to the formation, legality, interpretation, and enforceability of this Dispute Resolution Agreement. This provision doesn’t limit the procedure for challenging an improperly commenced arbitration.

Any court of competent jurisdiction will have the authority to enforce the requirements of this Dispute Resolution Agreement and, if necessary, enjoin the filing or prosecution of any arbitrations and the assessment of fees for any arbitration or mediation not conducted under this Dispute Resolution Agreement.

If the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) or any other arbitration organization or arbitrator is, for any reason, unable to administer any arbitration required under this Dispute Resolution Agreement, you and HSN shall negotiate in good faith on the substitution of another organization or individual to handle the arbitration. If we can’t agree on an alternative, you or HSN may petition a court of competent jurisdiction to appoint an organization or individual to conduct the arbitration in a manner consistent with this Dispute Resolution Agreement for a cost comparable to that of the designated arbitration organization.

General Arbitration Rules

The general arbitration rules outlined in this section (“General Arbitration Rules”) shall control All arbitrations shall be before a single arbitrator. Except as otherwise provided in this Dispute Resolution Agreement, a party electing arbitration must initiate proceedings by filing an arbitration demand with the AAA. Arbitrations involving consumers will be governed by these Terms and the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules and the AAA Consumer Due Process Protocol. Arbitrations involving all others, including instructors, will be governed by these Terms and the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules and the AAA Optional Appellate Rules. If there’s a conflict between these Terms and any applicable AAA rules and protocols, these Terms will control.

Disputes that involve a claim of less than $15,000 USD in actual or statutory damages (but not including attorneys’ fees and incidental, consequential, punitive, and exemplary damages and any damage multipliers) must be resolved exclusively through binding, non-appearance-based individual arbitration based solely on the written submissions of the parties. All other arbitrations shall be conducted by phone, video conference, or based only on written submissions. Judgment on an arbitrator’s award may be entered in any court that has jurisdiction to do so.

To begin an arbitration proceeding with the AAA, the claiming party must send a letter describing the Dispute and requesting arbitration to the American Arbitration Association Case Filing Services, 1101 Laurel Oak Road, Suite 100, Voorhees, NJ 08043 or by filing a request online through the AAA website.

Fees and Costs

Subject to the specific conditions as outlined in the Instructor Terms, You and HSN agree that each party will bear its own costs and attorneys’ fees in the event of a dispute, provided, however, that either party may recover fees and costs to the extent permitted by applicable law. If a court or an arbitrator determines that an arbitration has been brought or threatened in bad faith, or that the demand was frivolous or asserted for an improper purpose, the court or arbitrator may, to the fullest extent permitted by law, award attorneys’ fees to HSN  against the claim just as a court could.

No Class Actions

Both Parties agree that we can each only bring claims against the other on an individual basis. This means: (a) neither of us can bring a claim as a plaintiff or class member in a class action, consolidated action, or representative action; (b) an arbitrator can’t combine multiple people’s claims into a single case (or preside over any consolidated, class, or representative action); and (c) an arbitrator’s decision or award in one claimant’s case can only decide the disputes of that user, not other users. Nothing in this Dispute Resolution Agreement limits the parties’ rights to resolve a Dispute by mutual agreement through a class-wide settlement of claims.

Improperly Commenced Arbitration

If either party believes that the other has initiated an arbitration in violation of this Dispute Resolution Agreement, if such an arbitration is threatened, or if either party has reason to believe an improperly commenced arbitration is imminent, the party against whom the arbitration has been or will be initiated may seek an order from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining the arbitration from being filed or continued, and awarding its fees and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred in connection with seeking the order.

Updating These Terms

From time to time, we may update these Terms to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices (such as when we add new features), and HSN reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time. If we make any material change, we will notify you using prominent means, such as by email notice sent to the email address specified in your account or by posting a notice through our Services. Modifications will become effective on the day they are posted unless stated otherwise.

Your continued use of our Services after changes become effective shall mean that you accept those changes. Any revised Terms shall supersede all previous Terms.

How to Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact details are as follows:

(904) 707-5742

12724 Gran Bay Parkway Ste 410 – 2756, Jacksonville, FL 32258

You can also contact us through the feedback form available on our Site.

Effective Date: 10th day of May, 2024